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Exhibition Opening

Homeplace – A Love Letter

Pinakothek der Moderne 09.12.2023 until 24.03.2024

The exhibition materializes in three parts. A beaded curtain extends from the ground floor to the dome of the Rotunda, creating a space of transparency and intimacy. The atmospheric space is complemented by a soundscape based on a series of voices from the diaspora, exploring ideas of dwelling. Matri-Archi(tecture) opens and extends "Homeplace" with an imbizo (Zulu: gathering) that activates the installation during the vernissage into the exhibition.

With "Homeplace", Matri-Archi(tecture) invites visitors to take part in a discourse on imaginings of home otherwise. As diasporic women mediating, bridging and blurring boundaries across Northern and Southern hemispheres, the exhibition honors and references African and diasporic rituals, expressions and forms of constructing homeplace, that is at once reflected in the installation and experience of it.

Matri-Archi(tecture) is an association that hosts a network of intersectional spatial practitioners dedicated to the development of African spatial education, offering a site for artistic collaboration through design, art and architectural research projects. As a constellation of pluri-disciplinary spatial practitioners, Matri-Archi(tecture) recognizes the value of collaboration across multiple worlds and worldviews, collaborating across various African and European cities.

Organized by Anja Albrecht

For more information on the exhibition, click HERE

Supported by PIN. Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne